Low Impact

Solar Farm Design


Low Impact Solar Farm Design -Core Elements

Deer Looking Back
Solar Farm Agrivoltaics
Bee on Thistle
Rabbit in Field

When it comes to solar farm design, it pays to leave a light footprint on the land.

Regulations can and should include preference for developers who commit to Low Impact Solar Farm Design.

In Kansas, with relatively flat open farm ground readily available, all of these principles should be a possibility.

Allow for wildlife connectivity

Avoid areas of high native biodiversity and high quality natural communities

Siting solar facilities to avoid areas with high biodiversity should be a priority. These areas are likely to have the highest levels of species biodiversity now and in the future and should remain undeveloped. It is not recommended to mitigate biodiversity loss by moving sensitive species from a solar site to natural habitat, due to the low success rates associated with these efforts.

Note: While this is an important consideration, the majority of land in Kansas is used for agriculture and does not have high natural biodiversity.

Centralize inverters and use high string voltages for lower perceived noise levels

Happy neighbors are more important than ever to the solar industry. Instead of designing for least cost, we encourage all solar farm developers to consider centralized locations for their inverters, and utilize higher DC voltages to facilitate this topology, to lower perceived noise levels. The further that any background noise has to travel to reach the farm boundaries, the better.

Encourage the use of native vegetation, cropsΒ  (Agrivoltaics), grazing, and provide wildlife habitat where possible

Encourage the use of leased land for commercial solar farms

With leased land you are not only helping farmers/landowners monetarily, you are allowing for the possibility of the land being returned to agriculture in the future. And, properly maintained, the land will be more fertile after a long resting period of being a solar farm, and even better suited to future agriculture.

Minimize infrastructure

For example, utilize driven galvanized steel posts, instead of posts encapsulated in concrete, for easier removal. Minimize the footprint in every system on the farm, so that decommissioning is easier and less expensive. Consider allowing a site option for transmission and communication lines inside of conduit lying on the ground, instead of being buried, so soils don't have to be dug up and the farm is easier to decommission.

Minimize soil compaction

Soil compaction can have long term negative consequences for plant growth and erosion control. Soil compaction occurs when soil particles are compressed togetherβ€”especially when the soil is wetβ€”destroying soil structure, reducing porosity, and leading to a more dense soil that is hard for roots and water to penetrate.

Minimize soil disruption

Avoid clearing and grading the land. Work around existing features rather than re-contouring the site. Utilize panel trackers and mounting systems that can handle hilly terrain and use posts of varying length to even out the swells in rows. Consider running wiring inside of ground mounted conduit, where allowed, to avoid trenching. Build as few access roads as possible, and avoid maintenance during wet periods. Use drones for routine inspections.

Preferentially use already disturbed or degraded lands

Protect water quality and do not cause erosion

Erosion during solar farm construction has proven to be an issue. Therefore regulations should should focus on holding the developer responsible for comprehensive planning and execution in this area. A complete stormwater, erosion, grading, revegetation, and construction management plan should be required. At a minimum:

Utilize bi-facial solar panels when applicable

Bi-facial panels collect light from the rear of the panel as well as from the front. Snow covering these panel melts off faster, and will not completely block power output. In addition, bi-facial panels require less land for the same output and have been shown to be somewhat more durable in the long term. Note: In areas with high hail risks, standard single faced panels have been shown to be more resistant to hail, and may be a better choice.

Utilize single axis trackers

Single axis solar trackers allow panel placement on undulating terrain without disturbing the soil. They also allow water and light to penetrate below the panels, thus encouraging plant growth and lessening runoff potential. Additionally trackers allow for more energy output from the same acreage, increasing efficiency and reducing project size requirements of the farm. And finally, trackers can protect panels from hail damage and help to shed snow in winter.


πŸ”΅ Agrivoltaics: Farming the Sun

πŸ”΅ Agrivoltaics: Coming Soon to a Farm Near You?

πŸ”΅ Solar can be installed on uneven, hilly sites with relative ease

πŸ”΅ How solar trackers overcome undulating terrain – and avoid grading costs

πŸ”΅ InSPIRE -Innovative Solar Practices Integrated with Rural Economies and Ecosystems

πŸ”΅ Principles of Low Impact Solar Siting and Design -The Nature Conservancy in North Carolina

πŸ”΅ ASTRO: Facilitating Advancements in Low-Impact Solar Research, Deployment, and Dissemination

πŸ”΅ Advancing Solar Construction With Grading Design

πŸ”΅ Environmental Co-Benefits of Maintaining Native Vegetation With Solar Photovoltaic Infrastructure

πŸ”΅ Modeling the ecosystem services of native vegetation management practices at solar farms in the Midwest

πŸ”΅ Effects of Revegetation on Soil Physical and Chemical Properties in Solar Photovoltaic Infrastructure

πŸ”΅ Grassland productivity responds unexpectedly to dynamic light and soil water environments induced by photovoltaic arrays

πŸ”΅ Vegetation Management Cost and Maintenance Implications of Different Ground Covers at Utility-Scale Solar Sites

πŸ”΅ Native Vegetation Performance under a Solar PV Array at the National Wind Technology Center

πŸ”΅ Overview of Opportunities for Co-Location of Solar Energy Technologies and Vegetation


πŸ”΅ Recommended Practices for the Responsible Siting and Design of Solar Development in Georgia